Find out more about our services
The Apprenticeship College is a specialist provider of apprenticeships.
Our apprenticeship services include a free L&D Advisory (we look at your skills development programme and work out how that can be best delivered through apprenticeships); Apprenticeship Training (we deliver more than 20 different types of apprenticeship); a full Apprenticeship Recruitment service (we’ll create job descriptions, attract candidates, skills screen and short list for you); outsourced Apprenticeship Employment (your apprentice training is 90% paid for from day one); and we’ll maintain, improve and develop your whole programme through our scheme Management processes.
The Apprenticeship College is fully recognised by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and is listed on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Provider (RoATP).
Find us by searching for UKPRN 10047111.
Learning and Development Consultancy -
Apprenticeship Delivery -
Levy Recovery -
Recruitment -
Account Management
Account Management
Managing a large multi-disciplinary, cross-departmental apprenticeship programme is complex. Add to that the requirements of training new entrants (probation periods and progression) as compared to existing staff or even senior managers and you’ll quickly need to develop the expertise to ensure that everything you do is fully compliant with the myriad of rules that govern apprenticeships.
Our Account Management service is designed to enable you to focus on your core business whilst we ensure that your apprenticeships scheme does what you want it to do, is fully compliant, meets the high standards set by OFSTED and the Institute for Apprenticeships, and delivers the skills your organisation needs.
Your pprenticeship College Account Manager will manage all of that for you and report back against detail key performance indicators monthly.
Find Out MoreApprenticeship Delivery
Learning and development apprenticeships with the Apprenticeship College Training focus on the core skills your staff team need to develop for the future benefit of your business.
They are designed to meet the challenges that your supervisors, leaders and managers face day-to-day. They can change the way that people set goals, innovate, find solutions and think about problem solving. They encourage creative thinking and rationalise decision making; they enable better relationships between your organisation and your customers; they focus on tenacity and persistence and sharpen approaches to selling. Your people become more reflective and co-ordinate better with others.
Our teaching, learning and assessment is delivered through a programme of masterclasses, workshops, tutor-facilitated webinars and skills coaching.
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Learning and Development Consultancy
We use apprenticeships to develop the skills of your employees. That means that we start by working with you to clearly understand your L&D objectives before designing the apprenticeship programme. We’ll look at the skills you need developed and correlate these to apprenticeship standards, frameworks and qualifications; we’ll develop a detailed curriculum plan; profile the funding requirements and look at how much can be recovered through the Apprenticeship Levy and how much Government co-funding may be required. We put all this together for you in a fully-costed Apprenticeship Blueprint.
Our apprenticeships are delivered by staff who understand your objectives and what it is that you want your staff to be able to do at the end of the course that they couldn’t do at the beginning.
Find Out MoreLevy Recovery
Our apprenticeship programme has been designed from the ground up to be fully compliant with the rules governing the use of the Apprenticeship Levy and associated government co-funding. We were one of the first providers to be accepted onto the new Register of Apprenticeship Providers (RoATP). Only providers listed on RoATP are able to use funds paid into the Apprenticeship Levy scheme to cover the costs of apprenticeship training.
We work with you to design apprenticeship programmes that meet your Learning & Development (L&D) skills objectives whilst funding the training from money you have already paid to HMRC. All of our apprenticeships are levy-compliant. What’s more we’ll advise you on how you can expand your programme beyond simple recovery – we’ll show you how you can best benefit from the additional co-funding that is available from government.
Did you know that your staff could complete a degree and that, as part of an apprenticeship scheme, government would pay £24,300 of the costs for you?
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Recruiting an apprentice is no different to recruiting other staff. You want to get the right person into the right job and you want them to succeed. Getting it right makes all the difference. Celebrities like Stella McCartney, John Frieda and Jamie Oliver all started out as apprentices in the fields they’re famous for.
We’ve recruited more than 5,000 apprentices and offer a comprehensive range of services that make it easy for you to find the right people at the right time and get them onto the right apprenticeship.
We do it all for you – drafting job descriptions, attracting candidates, skills screening, long-listing and shortlisting, interview scheduling, references and even DBS checks. We’ll also plan and commission your apprentices’ training with you.
Find Out MoreOur apprenticeship services include a free L&D Advisory (we look at your skills development programme and work out how that can be best delivered through apprenticeships); Apprenticeship Training (we deliver more than 20 different types of apprenticeship); a full Apprenticeship Recruitment service (we’ll create job descriptions, attract candidates, skills screen and short list for you); outsourced Apprenticeship Employment (your apprentice training is 90% paid for from day one); and we’ll maintain, improve and develop your whole programme through our scheme Management processes.
The Apprenticeship College is fully recognised by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and is listed on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Provider (RoATP).